vocals, ney & bansuri (Turkey)

Sinan Arat is ney (reedflute) player and singer. He was born in Erzincan (Turkey) and studied ney at the Classical Ottoman music conservatory in Izmir. He got his master degree at Codarts Rotterdam lead by the legendary bansuri master Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia and ney master Kudsi Erguner. Since his meeting with the most mystical flute ney, he has been reflecting his sound through various approaches that are coming from his regional Anatolian folk music, Ottoman and Indian Classical Music as well as fusions and experimental forms. He believes that music is an invisible bridge of a breath, where we all are linked and somehow creating a view of life and love in a genuine dimension. Its a bridge through a stone to human, through the hearth to cosmos, through silence to the big bang, through multitude to the oneness. Worked with Nederlands Blazers Ensemble, Vrije Geluiden, NBE Nieuwjaarconcerten, Podium Witteman, The Passion en De Wereld draait door.