vocals, tanbur, violin (Turkey)

Burak Savaş is an exceptionally talented Turkish musician and a captivating singer who has mesmerized audiences with his expressive and soulful voice. From a young age, Savaş demonstrated a remarkable talent for singing, and his passion for vocal performance has been at the forefront of his musical journey. Since 2013, Savaş has dedicated himself to honing his singing skills through formal training at the Ege University State Conservatory of Turkish Music. This rigorous education has allowed him to develop a strong foundation in vocal technique, enabling him to deliver powerful and emotive performances.

In addition to his singing talent, Savaş is also a skilled violin, lavta and tanbur player, which adds a unique dimension to his musicality. Throughout his education, Savaş actively participated in numerous concerts and projects in Turkey, Belgium, France, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Italy, Morocco and Poland. Notably, he honed his violin skills and completed his master’s education at Codarts (Rotterdam Conservatory), specializing in Turkish violin. At the present he is teaching Turkish singing, Turkish Violin Style and Turkish Music Theory at Codarts. Savaş had the opportunity to collaborate with esteemed artists and ensembles, such as the Kudsi Erguner Ensemble, Birun Ensemble (Venice), Lamekan Ensemble, further enriching his musical journey. These collaborations allowed him to explore various musical styles and expand his repertoire.