vocals, tar (Iran)

Born in Iran (Tehran) 1989

He started music at an early age. When he was 7, his father, Maestro Shahram Mirjalali, started teaching him Tombak (Persian Percussion) and Tar (Persian string instrument). Due to his astonishing talent, he managed to give concerts at the age of 14.

When he was 17, he started touring with his father and collaborating with other bands musicians from another genres. He won several solo music and improvisation competitions in Iran.

His desire was to make a bridge between East and West Culture through music. For this reason, in 2012, he moved to the Netherlands to study World Music at conservatory.

In 2017, he graduated from Codarts conservatory Rotterdam, The Netherlands. During his conservatory education, he gave many concerts worldwide and had collaboration with many bands and genres such as (Persian traditional music, Ottoman music, fusion jazz and a duo with his father).

Through these years he collaborated with Artists like Kudsi Erguner, Cenk Erdogan, Niti ranjan Biswas & Bang on a can. Currently, he is working on his new album.